The youth had SOOOOO MUCH FUN at this months stake dance! The theme was a TACKY DANCE! They had a friend who owes half of the Canton Trades Day pavilions and asked to use one that was two stories high. It was awesome the way they had it set up with the dance upstairs and the food and games down stairs so every one could watch the games from up high! Lots of youth came dressed "tacky". They played lots of silly tacky games! They went all out and served chili cheese hot dogs, chips, and all sorts of desserts!
These two were each others "LIFE SAVOR" when it came to this challenge! They had to stick 15 Life Savors to their partners face without them tipping their head backwards and get them to stay stuck for 10 seconds! They blew everyone out of the water! Great job girls!
My girls watching on!

Next, was the Alka Seltzer competition! Each person had to place an alka seltzer in their mouth and then drink a sip of sprite and NOT SWALLOW!!! It would then foam up like CRAZY! Last one NOT to spit it out would win!!! (I got this part on video) Pres Taylor joined in on this race! Everyone on was out and it was down to President Taylor and our very on BRITTANY!!! GUESS WHO WON?!?!?! YUP!!! She actually kept it in so long that they finally told her to spit it out and declared her the winner! (President Taylor's had long since dissolved) Check out her sweet trophy!!!
This was Tori and Garrett's FIRST DANCE!!!
Chrysta and Kirey showing them how its done!
Angpao had a great time at HER FIRST stake dance and made LOTS of new friends!
Hey!!! LOOK!!! WHATS THAT???
Bro Elliott didn't let the youth have all the fun!!!
Angpao was dancing all night!
It was Maddy's FIRST stake dance TOO!!
So much fun!!!
Another competition they had involved whipping cream! You had to stand an arms distance from your partner and spray the WHOLE can of cream into your partners mouth and they had to eat the whole thing!! Sounds fun and maybe easy... until you start to giggle!!! he he!!
It was and AWESOME dance that ended with President Taylor dancing with all the youth to the "HAPPY" dance-cuz WE'RE HAPPY!!! Well done Wills Point, Tyler 2, and Palestine!! We all had a FABULOUS TIME!!! See yall next month!!
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