Our Youth had SOOOOOO much fun planning out this stake dance!!! And to top it off it was super cheap to pull off! Buck Atwood picked the super popular theme DUCK DYNASTY (reality tv show). We ran with it from there! Our YW president Claudia WOWed us with her AMAZING art talents that NONE of us knew she had as she easlily whipped out that super cute (can you call men in beards "cute"?) banner!! The Reeves totally hooked us up with TONS of camping gear and a MILLION ducks!!! (Bro Reeves LOVES to hunt!!! pretty sure he has about 2 million more ducks in his garage! lol!) The Youngers came and helped set up and brought some stuff too (loved your warm cozy fire Donella!!! and I am not sure if anyone else could have made camo and duck/hunting stuff look soooo appealing and nice! you are quite the decorator!!) The BEST part of the night was the FOOD!! Buck volunteered to hunt a hog or 2 for the dance and have it smoked for refreshments!! Although I thought this was a "wild hair" idea- everyone else LOVED the idea! It was a TOTAL SUCCESS and super yummy!! Tyler 1st ward was also over the dance with us!!! They planned out some fun games that were a HIT! Nobody sat that evening and everyone left- HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!

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