Welcome to our NEW BEGINNINGS VALUE MALL Grand Opening!!! We had every girl apply for their very own "MASTER in CHARGE" card they could use at any time! We then kicked off our evening with the "Come Unto Christ" Video
The girls were then instructed on how the evening would go. They were about to be sent on a a SHOPPING SPREE!!! But not your every day shopping spree! We asked them to seek out the best of things and to find good and wholesome things.. Things that would last and that had REAL VALUE!!! Things that you could find at THE VALUE MALL!!! They picked their personalized hand crafted bag to carry all their purchases and they were on their way!! 
The programs were SHOPPING BAGS of course! (really just lunch sacks!) One side had the outline program and the other had the young women's theme and this years scripture: Moroni 10:32 "Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God."
Your MASTER IN CHARGE CARD- Don't leave home without HIM! Check out the fine print on the front and back!!
Sarah did Journeys shoe store to symbolize faith in every footstep!(she of course was chosen to do the shoe store because she has the coolest shoes!) She gave each of the girls some fingernail polish!
Divine Nature
Shannon did Bath and Body works to cover your Divine Nature and made all of the girls a homemade body scrub that smelled so good!!
Individual Worth
Tasha had an Image store and taught the girls that it is what is on the inside that counts. She gave them mirrors to reflect Christ's countenance.
Mary gave great examples of why knowledge of any matter is important and the girls should always seek knowledge! She surprised the girls (and US) and gave each of the girls $5 gift certificates to Barnes and Noble!!!
Choice & Accountability
Hilde had the coolest poster made to look just like a REAL CVS poster- only she used a girl from a New Era! She pointed out how making choices about the word of wisdom can effect our lives!
Good Works
Korie was too cute and couldn't decide and so she did it all! Her store was the Hallmark store and she focused on doing good service for others like sending a card, or baking cookies.
Mindy was the PERFECT choice for the Sports Authority store! She shared stories of how sometimes in sports it is hard to be honest and tell the truth if there was an out or if you were playing fair or not. She reminded them who's team they were really playing for! She gave out super yummy sporty sugar cookies!
The girls absolutely adored Ginnie and loved to hear what she had to say about virtue! Her store was Kays jewelry store! She gave out DIAMOND RINGS!! (okay, so they melted if you sucked on them... lol!)
Thanks to Tammy for baking ALL the BAZILLION muffins and to Sheri and Sarah for all of your help!! I am so grateful for the amazing women that surround me that offer their time and talents to our young women's program!! It is a success because of you! THANK YOU!! And THANK YOU to ALL the Value Mall workers-you ladies did a fantastic job!! I LOVE my girls!!! And love being able to make nights like this super special for them!!!
Angie Oliphant - Where did you get the Master in Charge card?
ReplyDeleteWe made them! You can see and copy- lol- two circles, and a font... good luck!! It was a great night!
DeleteThis is amazing. I love your creativity. I have such a hard time coming up with things and sometimes over think things. I would love to do something like this and was wondering if you would be willing to share some of your templates.
ReplyDeleteYou are super sweet!! A lot of stuff we just designed. This was a few years ago and I don't think I saved anything. Other stuff was hand drawn. It was a lot of work, but if you put indivuals in charge of each store it makes it easy on you. Then you can focus on refreshments and program!
DeleteThank you!